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Sinatra, Elling, Matt Dusk i... Danzel


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O Franku Sinatrze, Kurcie Ellingu, Matt Dusku i Danzelu


Pisałem na tym forum o mianowaniu (przez amerykańskich krytyków muzycznych) Kurta Ellinga następcą Franka Sinatry, co okazało się trochę nominacją na wyrost, bo KE nie poszedł w kierunku swingu, dużych składów etc, a widać to szczególnie w jego ostatniej płycie „Man In The Air”. Jego droga artystyczna poszła w innym kierunku niż swingowanie w stylu Sinatry.

No ale ostatnio znów pojawiło się coś, co natrętnie kojarzy mi się z Sinatrą. To jest utwór

„Back In Town”, grywany w radiu PIN, a śpiewany brawurowo przez niejakiego Matta Duska.

Mówi o nim Niedźwiedzki , że jest to ..„ Kolejny chlopak z naszego "zestawu świetnie swingujacych mlodziaków" pochodzi z Kanady i nazywa sie Matt Dusk”.

Noo.., tym razem naśladownictwo Sinatry jest tu celowe i zamierzone, swing, duże składy, smyczki etc. Matt D. został wykreowany z dużym rozmachem na następcę Franka S. przez wydawców muzycznych. Zresztą, jego debiutancka płyta.”Two Shots”...., została nagrana w zastępstwie, czy też następstwie Sinatry; utworu tytułowego mistrz już nie zdążył nagrać..

Ktoś kto lubi erę swingu (a ja owszem, a ja tak) cieszy się, że ma ona swój renesans, bo stare nagrania big bandów, choć się lubi, to trzeba przyznać obiektywnie, że są technicznie niedoskonałe. Może ktoś potrafi podać audiofilskie nagrania big-bandów, bo ja niestety nie

mogłem ich znaleźć.

W końcu coś nt. mojej „sinatromanii”. Można powiedzieć, że mnie się wszystko z Sinatrą kojarzy, podobnie jak w tej anegdocie o żołnierzu, któremu się wszystko z dupą kojarzy, nawet chusteczka (podobno to jest z Hłaski).

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Jeżeli lubisz Sinatrę i orkiestry swingowe to polecam Ci płytę "Sinatra at the Sands" nagraną na żywo w 1966 r. z towarzyszeniem orkiestry Count Basie'ego. Nagrana jest bardzo dobrze, można ją dostać w wersji CD i DVD.

Dla mnie to najlepsza płyta Sinatry.


Posłuchaj koniecznie Harry Connick Jr ,śpiewa wspaniale ( bardzo swingująco ) ,czysty głos ,niesamowicie melodyjny i z bardzo ładną barwą.

Ze starszych wokalistów ,rzecz jasna polecam moje absolutne bożyszcze - Tony Benneta.

Obecnie nie ma lepszego na globie ( w tym gatunku muzycznym ), w dodatku otrzymujemy genialną kapelę towarzyszącą Bennetowi od lat.

Tu możesz posłuchać ,a i poczytać nieco.

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Również szanuję Tony Benetta- ma w głosie to "coś". Szkoda, że niewiele jego płyt jest dostępnych w "dobrych" sklepach płytowych. Czy możecie polecić mi coś z jego przebogatej dyskografii?

Dzięki serdeczne Szankolegom za wytyczenie kierunków w drążeniu tematu bigbandów; może zacznę od "Sinatra at the Sands", bo mówiąc szczerze słuchanie muzyki, jakby przez słuchawkę telefoniczną trochę mnie zniechęciło, także na winylach.....

Poza tym, bardzo proszę mówcie do mnie po prostu – tangesie, tak na mnie wołali w

szkole; sympatyczne...choć było to ze sto lat temu...

Aha, jeszcze o tym skąd w tytule pierwszego postu Danzel. Otóż umknęło mi kilka słów; pisząc, że "Back In Town” jest śpiewany brawurowo przez niejakiego Matta Duska, miałem dodać jeszcze. że jest to kawałek zaśpiewany równie brawurowo, jak

tegoroczny szlagier Danzela „Pump It Up” . Umknęło.

Gdy kliknie się , „Back In Town” leci tam bez przerwy.

Co do jakości dżwięku nagrań big-bandów, to ciśnie się pytanie, czy są jakieś

płyty po remasteringu ? Myślę, że chyba tylko ktoś biegły w kręgu amerykańskim mógłby coś na ten temat powiedzieć.

Mam np. kilka oryginalnych winyli Glenna Millera, ale na żadnym nie usłyszy się

przysłowiowego blim z metalu - całkowity brak wysokich tonów.... Może to wynikać częściowo z dalekich planów nagrań, hmm..(?)

Słucham sobie Sinatra on the Sands i muszę przyznać iż jest to rewelacyjny materiał. Sinatra z orkiestrą Counta Basiego w pełnej formie. Facet miał swietny kontakt z publicznością, dygresje, dowcipy słowem pełny luz. Kto ze wspłółczesnych "męczenników jazzu" potrafi mu dorównać- NIKT!!!!!!!

CZy znacie jeszcze jakieś płyty Sinatry z big-Bandami?

  • 4 tygodnie później...

Ukazał sie urodzinowy album Tonny Bennett'a - Duety. Ciekawa pozycja dla tego watku


1. Lullaby of Broadway (duet z Dixie Chicks)

2. Smile (duet z Barbrą Streisand)

3. Put On A Happy Face (duet z Jamesem Taylorem)

4. The Very Thought Of You (duet z Paulem McCartney'em)

5. The Shadow of Your Smile (duet z Juanesem)

6. Rags To Riches (duet z Eltonem Johnem)

7. The Good Life (duet z Billy'm Joelem)

8. Cold, Cold Heart (duet z Timem McGrawem)

9. If I Ruled the World (duet z Celine Dion)

10. The Best Is Yet To Come (duet z Dianą Krall)

11. For Once In My Life (duet ze Steviem Wonderem)

12. Are You Havin' Any Fun? (duet z Elvisem Costello)

13. Because Of You (duet z K.D. Lang i Chrisem Bottim)

14. Just In Time (duet z Michaelem Buble)

15. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (duet ze Stingiem)

16. I Wanna Be Around (duet z Bono)

17. Sing You Sinners (duet z Johnem Legendem)

18. I Left My Heart In San Francisco (album version)

19. How Do you Keep The Music Playing (duet z George Michaelem)

chick, 10 Lis 2006, 17:52


>CZy znacie jeszcze jakieś płyty Sinatry z big-Bandami?


Sinatra nagrał wiele płyt z big-bandami jazzowymi. Oto kilka z nich:

- "It Might As Well Be Swing" z ork. C.Basie prowdzoną przez Q.Jonesa,

- "Frank Sinatra meets Count Basie",

- "L.A. is My Lady" z ork. Quincy Jonesa,

- "Francis A. & Edward K." a ork. Duke Ellingtona.

Nagrywał też w latach 40-tych z orkiestrą Tommy Dorsey'a.


Dla mnie jednak najlepszą jego płytą jest "Sinatra at The Sands", może dlatego, że zdecydowanie wolę płyty koncertowe.

W sukcesie tej płyty ogromny udział miał Count Basie ze swoją orkiestrą, dającą znakomity podkład dla Sinatry.

I dlatego pozwolę sobie polecić Ci inną płytę koncertową tej orkiestry z udziałem znakomitych wokalistów - "Count Basie at Newport 1957". Śpiewają na niej Jimmy Rushing i Joe Williams, a solówki L.Younga, I.Jacqueta czy R.Eldridge'a też warte są posłuchania.

Cholera, Ptaszyn w 3 kwadransach jazzu puszczał 2 płytowy album chyba live Sinatry, ale nie pamietam tytułu. Pamiętam tylko ,że szczęka mi opadła bo nie wiedziałem że sinatra jest takim rasowym wokalistą jazzowym! Ktokolwiek widział, ktokolwiek wie....



Frank Sinatra Discography - 1940s/50s Studio Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1944 Swing and Dance with Frank Sinatra Columbia

1946 The Voice of Frank Sinatra Columbia

1950 Songs by Sinatra CBS

1950 Songs by Sinatra, Vol. 1 CBS

1950 Sing and Dance with Frank Sinatra Columbia

1953 Requested by You CBS

1954 In the Wee Small Hours Capitol

1955 Frankie Columbia

1955 Songs for Swingin' Lovers! Capitol

1955 Swing Easy Capitol

1955 Young at Heart Capitol

1955 Our Town Capitol

1956 Frank Sinatra Conducts Tone Poems of Color Capitol

1956 High Society Capitol

1957 Come Fly with Me Capitol

1957 Close to You and More Capitol

1957 Pal Joey Capitol

1957 Where Are You Capitol

1957 A Swingin' Affair! Capitol

1957 A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra Capitol

1958 Come Dance with Me! Capitol

1958 Only the Lonely Japanese

1959 The Broadway Kick CBS

1959 No One Cares Capitol

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1960s Studio Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1960 Reflections CBS

1960 Ring a Ding Ding Warner

1960 Nice 'N' Easy Capitol

1960 Can-Can Capitol

1961 Come Swing with Me Capitol

1961 I Remember Tommy Warner

1961 Swing Along with Me Warner

1961 Point of No Return Capitol

1961 All the Way Capitol

1961 Sinatra's Swingin' Session!!! And More Capitol

1962 All Alone Wea

1962 Sinatra and Strings Warner

1962 Sinatra-Basie Warner

1962 Saloon Singer Encore!

1962 Sinatra and Swingin' Brass Warner

1962 Sinatra Sings Great Songs from Great Britain Wea

1963 Sinatra's Sinatra Reprise

1963 Softly, As I Leave You Warner

1963 Come Blow Your Horn Reprise

1964 Sings Days of Wine and Roses, Moon River &... Reprise

1964 It Might as Well Be Swing Warner

1964 Robin and the 7 Hoods Artanis

1965 September of My Years Warner

1965 Moonlight Sinatra Wea

1965 Sinatra '65 Reprise

1965 My Kind of Broadway Wea

1966 Strangers in the Night Reprise

1966 That's Life Wea

1967 Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim Wea

1967 Francis A. Sinatra & Edward K. Ellington Warner

1967 Frank Sinatra and the World We Knew Warner

1967 Frank Sinatra and Frank and Nancy Reprise

1968 Cycles Wea

1968 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Harmony

1968 The Sinatra Family Wish You A Merry Christmas Artanis

1969 My Way Reprise

1969 A Man Alone & Other Songs of Rod McKuen Wea

1969 Watertown Wea

1969 Sinatra & Company Reprise

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1970s/80s Studio Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1972 Frank Sinatra Conducts Music from Pictures Reprise

1972 Academy Award Winners Reprise

1973 Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back Reprise

1973 Some Nice Things I've Missed Wea

1976 Frank Sinatra Conducts the Music of Alec... Columbia

1979 Trilogy Warner

1981 She Shot Me Down Warner

1984 L.A. Is My Lady Warner

1986 A Man and His Music Warner

1993 Duets Capitol

1994 Duets II Capitol

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1950s-80s Live Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1959 With Red Norvo Quintet: Live in Australia... Blue Note

1962 At Villa Venice, Chicago, Live 1962, Vol. 1 Jazz Hour

1962 At Villa Venice, Chicago, Live 1962, Vol. 2 Jazz Hour

1962 Sinatra & Sextet: Live in Paris Reprise

1963 The Concert Sinatra Warner

1966 Sinatra at the Sands Reprise

1971 In Concert at Royal Festival Hall Warner

1974 The Main Event -- Live Warner

1981 Sinatra 80th -- Live in Concert Capitol

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1990s Live Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1992 Live 1942-1946 Jazz Hour

1994 Live Duets 1943-1956 Voice

1994 Live in Paris Encore!

1995 Live, Seattle, WA 1957 Jazz Hour

1996 Rat Pack United Audio

1998 Duets & Rarities: The Gold Collection Proper/Retro

1999 57 - In Concert Artanis

1999 Radio Years Meteor

1999 Summit: In Concert Artanis

1999 The Clan in Chicago Entertainers

Frank Sinatra Discography - 2000s Live Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


2000 60 Greatest Old-Time Radio Shows Starring... Radio Spirits

2001 The Rat Pack Live at the Sands Capitol

2002 Ratpack: From Vegas to St. Louis Recall

2002 Sinatra in Hollywood 1940-1964 Warner

2003 Live and Swingin': Live at the Villa Venice Reprise

2003 Live and Swingin': The Ultimate Rat Pack... Reprise

2004 Live in Tokyo Japan 1962

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1930s/40s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1931 Sinatra EMI-Capitol

1940 Greatest Hits RCA Victor

1940 The Popular Frank Sinatra, Vol. 1 RCA

1940 The Song Is You RCA

1942 Unheard, Vols. 1 & 2: 1942-1946 Voice

1943 From the Top Drive Archive

1943 Portrait of Sinatra: Columbia Classics Columbia

1943 The Best of the Columbia Years: 1943-1952 Columbia

1943 The Columbia Years (1943-1952) Columbia/Legacy

1943 The V-Discs: Columbia Years: 1943-45 Columbia

1943 The Voice: The Columbia Years (1943-1952) Columbia/Legacy

1944 The Frank Sinatra Story in Music Columbia

1949 Frankly Sentimental Columbia

1949 Frankly Sentimental Sinatra CBS

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1950s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1952 This Is My Best CBS

1953 Complete Capitol Singles Collection Capitol

1953 Sinatra 80th: All the Best Capitol

1953 Sinatra! Warner

1953 The Best of the Capitol Years: Selections... Capitol

1953 The Capitol Collectors Series Capitol

1953 The Capitol Years: The Best of Frank Sinatra Capitol

1955 Songs for Young Lovers/Swing Easy! Capitol

1956 A Tribute to Dorsey, Vol. 2 RCA

1956 That Old Feeling CBS

1956 This Is Sinatra! Capitol

1958 Put Your Dreams Away CBS

1958 This Is Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2 Capitol

1959 Look to Your Heart Capitol

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1960s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1960 Having a Wonderful Time RCA

1960 The Complete Reprise Studio Recordings Warner

1960 The Essential Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2 CBS

1960 The Very Best of Frank Sinatra Reprise

1961 Frank Sinatra's Greatest Hits! Reprise

1961 Sinatra Reprise: The Very Good Years Reprise

1961 The Reprise Collection Reprise

1962 Come Back to Sorrento CBS

1962 Sinatra Sings of Love & Things Capitol

1962 The Great Hits of Frank Sinatra Capitol

1963 Tell Her You Love Her Capitol

1963 The Select Johnny Mercer Capitol

1964 America, I Hear You Singing Reprise

1965 Frank Sinatra's Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 Sony

1966 Greatest Hits: The Early Years Sony

1966 Greatest Hits: The Early Years, Vol. 2 CBS

1967 The Essential Frank Sinatra CBS

1967 The Movie Songs Capitol

1969 Dedicated to You CBS

1969 Frank Sinatra in Hollywood, 1943-1949 CBS

1969 In the Beginning: 1943 to 1951 Columbia

1969 New Orleans (With Jo Stafford) CBS

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1970s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1972 Christmas Sing With Frank And Bing Laser Light

1972 Greatest Hits: The Early Years, Vol. 2 Warner

1972 My One & Only Love Capitol

1972 The Great Years Capitol

1974 Round #1 Capitol

1976 Getting Sentimental RCA

1976 Love Is a Kick CBS

1976 The Nearness of You Pickwick

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1980s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1981 20 Classic Tracks Musicrama

1983 Greatest Hits, Vols. 1 & 2 Warner

1983 Original Frank Sinatra W.A.A.

1986 Hello Young Lovers Musketeer

1987 Frank Sinatra's Greatest Hits Reprise

1987 Get Happy CBS

1987 Songs by Sinatra, Vol. 2 CBS

1987 The Sinatra Christmas Album Warner

1988 Gift Set Special

1988 Portraits from the Past Bravura

1988 Radio Years K-Tel

1988 Sinatra Rarities: The Columbia Years Sony

1989 Christmas Dreaming Sony

1989 It's Christmas Time Delta

1989 Rare Recordings Sandy Hook

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1990s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


1990 Unheard Frank Sinatra, Vol. 1: As Time Goes... Vintage Jazz

1990 Unheard Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2: The House I... Vintage Jazz

1991 1943-1951 Huub

1991 1952-1960 Huub

1991 Boys and Girls Together CBS

1991 Dayton Hudson Sampler Capitol

1991 Deluxe Set Capitol

1991 Frank Sinatra Sings the Select Cole Porter Alliance

1991 Frank Sinatra's Greatest Capitol

1991 Night and Day Huub

1991 Royalty Memorial Album Quicksilver

1991 Sings the Songs of Van Heusen & Cahn Vintage Jazz

1991 We Three RCA

1992 16 Most Requested Songs Columbia

1992 Concepts Capitol

1992 Gold EMI Special

1992 In the Blue of Evening Natasha

1992 Long Ago & Far Away Vintage Jazz

1992 Music From the CBS Mini-Series Warner

1992 Sinatra: CBS Mini-Series Soundtrack Reprise

1992 The Christmas Collection Dejavu

1993 A Good Man Is Hard to Find Pilz

1993 At the Movies

1994 1946: Old Gold Shows Jazz Hour

1994 1949: Lite up Time Shows Jazz Band

1994 Christmas Songs by Sinatra Sony

1994 Gold Collection: Radio Duets Deja Vu

1994 Hit Parade Shows Jazz Hour

1994 I'll Be Seeing You Bluebird/RCA

1994 Legendary Love Songs of a Lifetime Skylark Jazz

1994 Millenium Anthology Millenium

1994 My Shining Hour Drive Archive

1994 Sinatra Saga, Vol. 2 Bravura

1994 The Essence of Frank Sinatra Sony

1994 There'll Be Some Changes Made Voice

1994 This Is Frank Sinatra, 1953-1957 EMI

1995 14 Favorites Socadisc

1995 1939-1943 L'art Vocal

1995 Begin the Beguine Musketeer

1995 Blue Moods: Blues According to Sinatra Skylark Jazz

1995 Christmas Through the Years Delta

1995 Duets, Vols. 1 & 2 Capitol

1995 Early Years Avid

1995 I've Got a Crush on You Sony

1995 Sings the Select Johnny Mercer Capitol

1995 Sings the Select Rodgers & Hart Capitol

1995 Suddenly It's Spring Four Star

1995 This One's for Tommy Voice

1995 To Be Perfectly Frank Sandy Hook

1995 Unheard, Vol. 4 Vintage Jazz

1995 Vol. 1: 1935-1940 Masters of

1995 Vol. 2: 1940 Masters of

1995 Vol. 3: 1939-1940 Masters of

1995 Vol. 4: 1940 Masters of

1995 Vol. 5: 1940-1941 Masters of

1996 Christmas Sing With Frank and Bing Delta

1996 Everything Happens to Me Warner

1996 First Definitive Performances Avid

1996 Formative Years Avid

1996 Frank Sinatra Touch of Class

1996 It's Magic Fat Boy

1996 Love of Mine Cema Special

1996 Members Edition United Audio

1996 Memories of Sinatra Skylark Jazz

1996 Night and Day Goldies

1996 Original Recordings Les Eternels

1996 Sinatra Sings Rodgers & Hammerstein Sony

1996 Sings the Select Sammy Cahn Capitol

1996 Song Book Musketeer

1996 Symphony of Stars Presents Best of Frank... Madacy

1996 The Frank Sinatra Story Eclipse Music

1996 The Inimitable Prism

1996 There Are Such Things ASV/Living Era

1996 Vol. 6: 1941-1942 Masters of

1996 Vol. 7: 1942 Masters of

1997 A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening Satril

1997 Classic Collection: 30 Songs Prism

1997 Collection: 40 Hits Pmf Music

1997 Doing It His Way Spotlight On

1997 Frank Sinatra, Vol. 1: Members Edition Members

1997 Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2: Members Edition Members

1997 Love Songs RCA

1997 My Way: The Best of Frank Sinatra WEA

1997 Night & Day: The Young Sinatra Happy Days

1997 Night and Day Crown

1997 Rat Pack: Members Edition Members

1997 Remembers the Movies Great Movie

1997 Sings His Greatest Hits Columbia/Legac

1997 Songs by Sinatra: The Old Gold Shows, Vol. 1 On the Air

1997 Disc: A Musical Contribution by America's... Collector's

1997 Vol. 8: 1942 Masters of

1998 20 Great Love Songs Best Music

1998 All or Nothing at All: 25 Early Hits 1939-47 ASV/Living Era

1998 Be Careful, It's My Heart Satril

1998 Capitol Years EMI

1998 Christmas Album Empire

1998 Collections Edition Madacy

1998 Frank Sinatra & The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra RCA

1998 Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2 United Audio

1998 Gold EMI-Capitol

1998 Golden Days of Radio K-Tel

1998 Golden Voices: Original Artists Madacy

1998 Imagination Satril

1998 Love Songs Always Avid

1998 Lovely Way to Spend an Evening Satril Music

1998 Lucky Numbers Warner

1998 New York, New York: The Songs the Music Excelsior

1998 Ol' Blue Eyes Entertainers

1998 Ol' Man River: 1944-1945 Entertainers

1998 Planet Jazz Import

1998 Platinum Collection Start

1998 Portrait of Frank Sinatra Gallerie

1998 Rat Pack Happy Hour

1998 Rat Pack Collection Madacy

1998 Screen Sinatra Capitol

1998 Selection of Frank Sinatra, Vol. 1 Golden Sounds

1998 Selection of Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2 Proper

1998 Sentimental Journey Mastertone

1998 Songs for Swingin' Lovers DJ Specialist

1998 The Classic Collection Prism

1998 The Voice: 1939-1947 Disky

1998 This Love of Mine Satril

1998 Touch of Class TC

1998 Triple Gold Start

1998 Vegas Goodfellas Serv Rite

1998 Voice Madacy

1999 All of Me Charly

1999 All of Me Prism Leisure

1999 Among My Souvenirs Charly

1999 Beginnings Brentwood

1999 Christmas [Double Disc] Delta

1999 Christmas [single Disc] Delta

1999 Classic Sinatra [box] EMI

1999 Gold Collection: Essential Masters of Jazz Proper

1999 It's All So New Buddha

1999 I've Got a Crush on You Charly

1999 Learn to Croon Buddha

1999 Popular Frank Sinatra, Vol. 2 RCA

1999 Rat Pack DJ Specialist

1999 Rat Pack Christmas Intersound

1999 Romance Import

1999 Romantic Frank Sinatra Charly

1999 Show Stoppers Brentwood

1999 Song Book Parade

1999 The Early Years Excelsior

1999 The Fabulous Frank Sinatra and Tommy Dorsey RCA

1999 The Golden Voice Prism

1999 The Greatest Hits 1940-1947 Charly

1999 The Popular Frank Sinatra, Vol. 3 RCA

1999 Voice Classic

1999 Voice: 1943-1947 DJ Specialist

1999 World We Knew Wea

1999 Young Blue Eyes Charly

Frank Sinatra Discography - 2000s Compilation Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs


2000 Christmas to Remember Legacy

2000 Classic Sinatra Capitol

2000 Crooners, Vol. 6 Rajon Music

2000 Falling in Love With Frank Sinatra & Tommy... RCA

2000 Fortieth Decade I.M.

2000 Legendary Song Stylist Castle

2000 Magic of Old Blue Eyes Legacy

2000 My Way Box Set

2000 Sinatra Sings His Greatest Hits/Swing and... Sony

2000 Super Hits Sony

2000 The Great Festival

2000 The Wonderful Music of Frank Sinatra Wonderful

2000 Vol.10: 1941-1942 Masters of

2001 24 Classic Hits Nimbus

2001 40 Famous Songs From the Musicals Doubles

2001 50 Famous Songs From the Movies Doubles

2001 Big Band Beginnings...Solo Stardom Genesis Proper

2001 Christmas Legends Direct Source

2001 Eee-O-11: The Best of the Rat Pack Capitol

2001 Gold Collection Dejavu Retro

2001 Love Songs Sony

2001 Mam'selle Proper

2001 My Way: The Best of Frank Sinatra DJ Specialist

2001 Radio Rules...Ok! Proper

2001 The Best of Frank Sinatra One Way

2001 The Rat Pack Planet Media

2001 Time After Time Proper

2001 With Love Sinatra Legacy

2002 20 Frank Sinatra Love Songs Time Music

2002 All or Nothing at All Proper Box

2002 Blue Skies Past Perfect

2002 Classic Duets Capitol

2002 Day by Day Rajon

2002 Frank Sinatra Time Music

2002 Golden Greats Golden Greats

2002 Got the World on a String Starburst

2002 Greatest Love Songs Warner

2002 Imagination Prestige Elite

2002 My Kind of Town

2002 One for My Baby Past Perfect

2002 Romance Reprise

2002 Sharing the Holidays With Frank Sinatra Medalist

2002 Special 3 CD Collection EMI

2002 Swing Easy/Songs for Young Lovers Capitol

2002 The Collection United Audio

2002 The Golden Years of Frank Sinatra Rerooted

2002 Time After Time TKO Collectors

2002 Voice of the Century RCA

2002 Wee Japanese

2003 Beginnings/Show Stoppers Brentwood

2003 Classic Masters Capitol

2003 Classics and Standards Sony Special

2003 Duets With the Dames Castle Pulse

2003 God's Country Sony Special

2003 Golden Greats: Golden Songs from Stage and... Disky Golden

2003 Happy Holidays Direct Source

2003 Jazz Universal

2003 Members Edition, Vol. 1 United Multi

2003 Members Edition, Vol. 2 United Multi

2003 Platinum & Gold Collection RCA

2003 Real Complete Columbia Years V-Discs Jazz Factory

2003 Sinatra Sings Cole Porter Columbia/Legac

2003 Sinatra Sings Gershwin Columbia/Legac

2003 Sings Songs from the Movies Sony Special

2003 Song Is You Sony Special

2003 The Essential Frank Sinatra: The Columbia... Sony

2003 Ultimate Collection United Multi

2003 Voice of Frank Sinatra Columbia

2004 Night and Day

2004 Original Songs from Movies Blue Moon

2004 Relaxin' With Sinatra Blue Moon

2004 Romantic Sinatra Blue Moon

2004 Swingin' With Sinatra Blue Moon

2004 When You're Smiling Disky

2005 All of Me Disky

2005 Bye Bye Baby Disky

2005 Greatest Voice Disky

2005 Songs from the Movies Collectables

2005 The Frank Sinatra Story United States Dist

2005 There's No Business Like Show Business Legacy

2005 Live from Las Vegas Capitol

2005 The Man and the Music Legacy

2005 Big Band Collection Prism Platinum

2005 New York New York Madacy

2005 Some Enchanted Evening Pazzazz

Frank Sinatra Discography - 1960s-90s Frank Sinatra Videos & Frank Sinatra DVDs


1968 Francis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing Reprise

1969 A Man and His Music 2 Warner

1969 Sinatra: 4 Warner

1969 A Man and His Music 2

1969 A Man and His Music 2 Reprise

1971 In Concert at Royal Festival Hall Reprise

1974 Sinatra: The Main Event Reprise

1981 Sinatra: A Man and His Music with the...

1992 Man and His Music 3 Warner

1992 The Man and His Music Warner

Frank Sinatra Discography - 2000s Frank Sinatra Videos & Frank Sinatra DVDs


2000 They Were Very Good Years Passport

2000 The Collection Passport

2000 Memorial Passport

2000 Sinatra with Ella Fitzgerald & Sammy Davis... Passport

2000 Sinatra with Lena Horne & Jack Benny Passport

2000 Sinatra with Jackie Gleason & Louis Armstrong Passport

2000 Sinatra with Dean Martin & Ethel Merman Passport

2000 Sinatra With Dagmar and Hollywood Passport

2002 Frank Sinatra Delta

2002 Once in a Lifetime Kultur Video

2003 Singing at His Best Passport

2003 Classic Duets

2004 Frank Sinatra Show: Welcome Home Elvis Quantum Leap

2004 Frank Sinatra Singing With Friends Passport International

2004 Frank Sinatra Show: With Ella Fitzgerald Quantum Leap

2004 Happy Holidays from Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby Passport International

Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs - with Harry James


Harry James 1939 (1939) Vocals

Harry James 1939 Broadcasts with Frank Sinatra (1999) Performer

Harry James 1939-1940 (1998) Vocals

Harry James Bandstand Memories: 1938 to 1948 (1938) Vocals

Harry James Best of Harry James (1998) Vocals

Harry James Ciribiribin (1996) Vocals

Harry James Complete Recordings (1995) Vocals, Performer

Harry James Essence of Harry James (1994) Vocals

Harry James Harry James (1996) Vocals

Harry James Music Maker (1993) Vocals, Performer

Harry James Sleepy Time Gal (1937) Vocals

Harry James Two O'Clock Jump/Trumpet Blues And (2003) Vocals

Harry James Yes Indeed (1993) Performer

Harry James & His Orchestra All or Nothing at All (1939) Vocals

Harry James/Frank Sinatra Harry James And Frank Sinatra (2003) Vocals


Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs - with Tommy Dorsey


The Dorsey Brothers Go Their Separate Ways (1998) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey All Time Hit Parade Rehearsals (1944) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Best of Tommy Dorsey Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Big Band Bash (1999) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie (1996) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Great Tommy Dorsey Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Greatest Hits (1996) Vocals, Performer

Tommy Dorsey Having a Wonderful Time (1935) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey I'll Be Seeing You (1996) Performer

Tommy Dorsey I'm Getting Sentimental over You (1935) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey I'm Getting Sentimental Over You (2003) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Irish American Trombone (1996) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Masterpieces, Vol. 15 (1996) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Portrait of Tommy Dorsey (1998) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Saturday Afternoon (1940) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Plays Sweet and Hot (1940) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & Frank Sinatra Legendary Sides (1997) Performer

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra 1942 War Bond Broadcasts (1942) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra At the Hollywood Palladium (2001) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra One and Only Tommy Dorsey (1987) Performer

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra That Sentimental Gentleman (1996) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra This Is Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra (2001) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra Not So Quiet Please (2001) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra Seventeen Number Ones (1935) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey and Frank Sinatra Dedicated to You (1999) Performer

Tommy Dorsey and Frank Sinatra Stardust (1991) Performer

Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra Opus One (2002) Performer

Tommy Dorsey with Frank Sinatra All-Time Greatest Dorsey/Sinatra (1940) Vocals, Performer

Tommy Dorsey with Frank Sinatra Oh! Look at Me Now and Other Hits (1990) Performer

Tommy Dorsey/Benny Goodman Big Band Legends [Jasmine] (2001) Vocals

Tommy Dorsey/Frank Sinatra Greatest Hits (1996) Performer

Tommy Dorsey/Frank Sinatra Swing High (2002) Introduction

Tommy Dorsey/Frank Sinatra Together (1996) Vocals, Performer

Tommy Dorsey/Frank Sinatra Tommy Dorsey - Frank Sinatra (1981) Vocals



Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs - Appearances A-C


Abbott & Costello Golden Age of Radio (2003) Guest Appearance

Paul Anka Body of Work (1998) Vocals, Performer

Ray Anthony Capitol Collectors Series (1962) Vocals

Louis Armstrong Historic (1928) Performer

Louis Armstrong Great Satchmo (2000) Performer

Pearl Bailey 1944-1947 (2002) Performer

Tony Bennett Ultimate Tony Bennett (2000) Liner Notes

Tony Bennett Forty Years: The Artistry of Tony... (2003)

Gershwin, Porter, Berlin Millenium Anthology (1994) Performer

Irving Berlin Melody Lingers On: 25 Songs... (1997) Vocals, Performer

Irving Berlin & George... Gold Collection (2001) Performer

Sammy Cahn Evening with Sammy Cahn (1972) Liner Notes

Hoagy Carmichael Classic Hoagy Carmichael (1927) Vocals, Performer

Hoagy Carmichael Hoagy Carmichael Songbook (1932) Performer

Rosemary Clooney Come On-A My House (1997) Performer

Rosemary Clooney Many a Wonderful Moment (2000) Vocals

Nat King Cole Trio Straighten Up and Fly Right... (1942) Performer

Nat King Cole Nat King Cole, Vol. 2: Members... (1997) Performer

Van Craven Blues in the Night (1998) Vocals

Walter Cronkite 60 Greatest Old-Time Radio Shows... (2000) Performer

Walter Cronkite Greatest Shows Of The 20th Century (2003) Cast

Bing Crosby & Frank... That Christmas Feeling (1997) Performer

Bing Crosby Complete United Artists Sessions (1997) Liner Notes

Bing Crosby Bing Crosby & Friends: Radio Years (1999) Performer

Xavier Cugat 16 Most Requested Songs (1993) Vocals

Xavier Cugat Me Gusta La Conga (1993) Performer

Xavier Cugat Cugat's Nugats (1998) Vocals

Xavier Cugat Romantic Sound of Xavier Cugat (1998) Vocals, Performer

Xavier Cugat Latin Rhythms (2002) Vocals

Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs - Appearances D-J


Sammy Davis, Jr. Sammy and Friends (2000) Performer

Doris Day It's Magic (1994) Vocals, Performer

Doris Day Early Days: 1944-1949 (2000) Performer

Doris Day It's Magic: Greatest Hits 1945... (2000) Performer

Doris Day Favorites (2000) Performer

Doris Day It's Magic [Proper Pairs] (2002) Vocals

Celine Dion All the Way: A Decade of Song (1999) Performer

Jimmy Durante September Song (1963) Performer

Duke Ellington American Songbook Series: Duke... (1993) Performer

Kenny G Greatest Hits (1997) Performer

Judy Garland Judy Garland Shows (1996) Performer

Judy Garland Judy Duets/Judy at The Palace (1997) Performer

Judy Garland & Betty... Every Sunday/Thoroughbreds Don't... (2000) Performer

Judy Garland Mail Call

The Gatlin Brothers Sincerely (1994) Engineer

George Gershwin S'Wonderful, Vol. 2 (1998) Vocals, Performer

George Gershwin Great Songs Presented By Great... (1999) Performer

George Gershwin George Gershwin [box Set] (2000) Vocals

George Gershwin 8 CD Box Set (2000) Performer

Benny Goodman & Harry... Kings of Swing (1998) Vocals

E.Y. Harburg American Songbook Series: E.Y. Harburg (1995) Performer

Coleman Hawkins Bebop Years (2001) Vocals

Bob Hope Golden Age of Radio (2003)

Bob Hope Legends of Radio (2003)

Julio Iglesias My Life: Greatest Hits (1998) Performer

Jack Jones Greatest Hits (1995) Liner Notes

Quincy Jones From Q with Love (1999) Performer

Quincy Jones Q: The Musical Biography of Quincy (2001) Vocals

Spike Jones & His City... Radio Years, Vol. 2 (1993) Voices, Performer

Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CDs - Appearances K-P


Stan Kenton Artistry in Kenton, Vol. 1-3: 1937... (2001)

Jerome Kern American Legends, No. 15: Jerome... (1996) Performer

Jerome Kern Till the Clouds Roll By (2000) Performer

Peggy Lee Man I Love (1957) Conductor

Peggy Lee Spotlight on Peggy Lee [Great... (1995) Conductor

Peggy Lee Miss Peggy Lee (1998) Conductor

Peggy Lee Best of Miss Peggy Lee (1998) Conductor

Peggy Lee Peggy Lee Story (2002) Vocals

Dean Martin Sleep Warm (1959) Conductor

Dean Martin Spotlight on Dean Martin [Great... (1995) Conductor

Dean Martin Capitol Years (1996) Conductor

Dean Martin Return to Me (1998) Leader

Dean Martin Love Songs (2000) Conductor

Dean Martin Everybody Loves Somebody: The... (2002) Vocals, Producer

Rod McKuen Greatest Hits, Vol. 5: Lonesome... (1996) Photography

Johnny Mercer Old Music Master (1996) Performer

Metronome All Stars... Summit Meetings 1939-50 (2003) Vocals

101 Strings Orchestra Salute to the Great American... (1996) Performer

The Pied Pipers Whatcha Know Joe: The Best of the... (1999) Vocals, Performer

Cole Porter From This Moment On: The Songs of... (1992) Vocals, Performer

Cole Porter Great American Songwriters (1994) Performer

Cole Porter American Legends #6 (1996) Performer

Cole Porter You're the Top: A Testimonial (1997) Performer

Cole Porter Platinum Collection: Cole Porter... (1998) Performer

Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Collection:... (1998) Vocals

Elvis Presley Artist of the Century (1999) Liner Notes

Louis Prima Capitol Recordings (1956) Vocals

Frank Sinatra Discography - Frank Sinatra Albums & Frank Sinatra CD's - Appearances R-Z


1964 Reprise Repertory... Kiss Me, Kate (1964) Vocals

The Reprise Musical... Guys and Dolls (1964) Vocals

The Reprise Repertory... South Pacific (1964) Vocals, Producer, Concept

The Reprise Musical... Guys and Dolls (1964) Producer, Performer, Concept

Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Box Set (1999) Performer

Diane Schuur Music Is My Life (1999) Paintings

Dinah Shore Like Someone in Love (1995) Performer

Nancy Sinatra How Does That Grab You? (1966) Vocals

Nancy Sinatra Nancy in London (1966) Vocals

Nancy Sinatra Sugar (1967) Performer

Nancy Sinatra Hit Years (1986) Performer

Nancy Sinatra Boots: Greatest Hits (198 ) Performer

Nancy Sinatra Lightning's Girl (1997) Vocals

Mike Smith Sinatra Songbook (1994) Author

Society of Singers All-Star Christmas (1996) Performer

George Strait Strait Out of the Box (1995) Vocals, Performer

Barbra Streisand Timeless: Live in Concert (2000) Performer

Barbra Streisand Timeless: Live in Concert [barnes... (2000) Performer

Jules Styne American Songbook Series: Jules Styne (1994) Performer

Dick Tracey In B Flat (2002)

U2 Stay (Faraway, So Close) (1993) Performer

Jimmy Van Heusen American Songbook Series: Jimmy... (1996) Performer

Kurt Weill From Berlin to Broadway, Vol. 2 (1997) Performer

Alec Wilder American Songbook Series: Alec Wilder 1996) Performer

Robbie Williams Swing When You're Winning... (2002) Vocals

Vincent Youmans American Songbook Series: Vincent... (1996) Performer

  • 2 tygodnie później...

tangens -->


"Back in Town" Matta Duska jest niezłą płytą. Bardzo dynamiczną i do tego nienajgorzej zrealizowaną :)

A do tego Matt który nie ukrywając jest genialny!



Nooo, coś ciekawego w temacie Sinatra and his boys.

Ktoś, ktoś bardzo znany, zażyczył sobie aby na jego pogrzebie zaśpiewał ...Frank Sinatra. To piękne...ale i trochę dziwne. Bo na ogół ludzie chcą „słyszeć” na swoim pogrzebie jakieś utwory o tematyce religijnej, ja np.myślałem o „Ave Maria” , jak to zwyczajny konformista.

A tu macie –oryginała, zachciało mu się Sinatry.

Jeśli Was to co powyżej zainteresowało, to przeczytajcie sobie poniżej zakończenie reportażu / scenariusza autorstwa Wojciecha Staszewskiego (z Gazety Reporterów „Duży Format”- 18.12.2006) „ Burzliwe życie Leona Niemczyka – Nóż mi już”



Scena XIII: Kurtyna


Leon szykuje się na śmierć.


Mówi o swoich planach: - Żeby mi na pogrzebie zagrali Sinatrę. A potem wypijcie lufkę za moje zdrowie i się cieszcie - to Zbigniewowi Buczkowskiemu. Iwona zadbała o muzykę.


- Żeby mnie skremowali i wrzucili do morza, żebym mógł wrócić jako szprotka w oleju i jeszcze komuś zaszkodzić - to półżartem Sławomirowi Kryńskiemu. Został skremowany i pochowany. Tysiące ludzi odprowadzają trumnę. Frank Sinatra śpiewa Leonowi z głośników "My way":


"And now, the end is near,


And so I face the final curtain.


My friends, I'll say it clear;


I'll state my case of which I'm certain.


I've lived a life that's full -


I've travelled each and every highway.


And more, much more than this,


I did it my way...


W wolnym tłumaczeniu szłoby to tak:


Gdy koniec zbliża się


I już kurtyna spada na dół,


Czas jasno stwierdzić, że


Już pora, by opuścić padół.


Ja żyłem pełnią, bo


Każdą z tysięcy dróg poznałem,


A co ważniejsze to:


Żyłem, jak chciałem..."




PS: Taaaak ,leon Niemczyk napewno lubił Franka Sinatrę.


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No cóż, juz od kilkunastu lat, mój młodszy brat ma zdeponowany CD z "My way", aby w podobnych okolicznościach zabrzmiał zamiast np " Jak dobrze mi w pozycji tej.." Nic oryginalnego.

No to masz ciekawego brata. Oglądało się te ładne parę pogrzebów. i zawsze albo organy, albo skrzypce, altówka... Ciekawe gdzie szanowny braciszek zdeponował ten , jak się okazuje b. modny, "My way" - u proboszcza, czy u organisty? A co Ty zdeponowałeś? Czy szan. braciszek nie zażyczył sobie odpowiedniej dla okoliczności jakości odtwarzania (Linn, Naim, etc 0) i akustyki?

Sam też bym zmienił swoją " Ave Maria" na coś żywszego :-), a co...

PS: czy ta moda na Sinatrę przy transformacji do lepszego świata nie wzęła się z jakiegos amerykańskiego filmu?


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